Importance of Creating an Author’s Website in Today’s Era
It has become necessary for authors to have their own websites in this day and age as an increasing amount of individuals are turning toward the internet. An author’s website can be a dynamic tool that can be used to market the author, the author’s works, and anything else that is associated with the author’s personal brand. Websites can be a central hub for you to sell your book and build a communication channel that is advantageous between you and your followers. Websites for authors can also be used to open a channel for fans to communicate with each other.
A website lends legitimacy to an organization and provides information that cannot be obtained through the bookstore. It allows you to engage with your audience and provides many other benefits. People will have an easier time finding information about you and the book and have the ability to control and change the information you desire to share with others.
The following are several compelling arguments in favor of developing a website for every author:
It Helps You Get Discovered
Discovery is the first step in marketing. If people are unaware that you exist, they will never buy your book or become fans.
Websites make up a relatively insignificant portion of the discovery stage of the marketing process, yet they are nevertheless important. Perhaps your potential readers will discover one of your blog posts on a subject that piques their interest. Perhaps a buddy of yours posts something to a social networking platform. Perhaps they have seen your advertisements.
They either purchase your book straight from a seller or come to your website to discover more about you and what you offer. This happens regardless of how they come across you. You have the potential to build sales and a following through any route.
It Provides Independent Control
An author’s website serves as a tool for creating the author’s brand, providing autonomy over the sales of their books and a greater degree of control over the showcasing and brand image of the author. This is a mix of factors. In this day and age, authors are required to have a significant social media presence in addition to having a website since there is no better method to develop a relationship with their audience than via social media.
It Helps Connect with Readers
Your website allows your readers to engage in conversation with you. It’s incredibly valuable to have the opportunity to interact with the readers who buy, enjoy, and recommend your books. There probably isn’t any author who has not been moved by the encouraging words they have received from their fans. The true motivation behind all we do is our audience. It is, therefore, worth it, even if only for this reason.
It Provides a Professional Online Presence
Publishers and clients need to know who you are and what you can provide for them before they hire you to either write a novel or do freelancing work.
A query letter won’t be enough. The inboxes of editors and literary agents are flooded with inquiries, and these professionals require additional information. In addition, you need to shine, differentiate yourself from the other candidates, and demonstrate to the editors that you are the ideal candidate. You must also demonstrate that you are familiar with modern technological developments; a website is a way to go!
It Increases Sales Profit
Platforms that sell books are wonderful because they already have the audience footfall present for the author’s book to shine, and their infrastructure is already in place for them to become a great book publishing hub. However, websites like Amazon and Flipkart also need to make money, and as a result, they charge a certain percentage of the actual profit from the book. Not to forget the extra charge for their delivery, which is at a standard rate. When these costs are added up, there is very little profit to be gained for the author.
When you have a personal website, you can sell the book directly to the reader, bypassing any middlemen who would otherwise be able to impose their sales conditions.
It Keeps Readers Updated
Keeping your readers updated on any new happenings related to your book may be accomplished quite effectively through a website. Your blog is dynamic, allowing you to produce entries that provide in-depth coverage of issues such as what motivated you to write the book, how the writing process evolved over time, intriguing data to tempt readers, and other related topics.
Readers are more likely to remain interested and return for additional information if the calendar of book readings, media coverage, and blog posts is posted on the website and updated often.
It’s Critical to Marketing Success
You will need to create an online persona if you are a book writer to go the traditional route, which includes working with literary agents and publishers. After all, publishers anticipate that you will carry out a significant portion of your marketing in this day and age.
In addition, if you intend to publish your work on your own, having a website is much more important. Readers and admirers need to know who you are and what you publish.
It Creates a Community
Building a community in other places is possible, but keeping tabs on your readers and engaging with them through a website is far simpler. You can compile a list of email addresses and send them messages, or you might consider putting together a “Members Only” area of your website that requires a password. This is extremely helpful for self-publishing authors looking to succeed on their own.
Take Away
A website is a place for the authors to reside permanently and to showcase their world of creativity without any restrictions placed on them by other publishing houses. It is an essential tool for the author to cultivate relationships with their audience, and it provides a location where readers may go at any time that is convenient for them.
The author’s website not only provides a window into their world but also has the potential to help them with the publishing portion of their writing careers. As can be seen, authors are gradually moving toward establishing their bespoke websites, proving beneficial for them in this day and age of increasing technological sophistication.